Story – Fabulous Friends

About the story:
Little Esmeralda was playing when a fairy approached her. The fairy took Esmeralda to a far-away land, where it is ruled by the fair and just queen Elegance. But the kingdom is in danger! Esmeralda and her two friends went for a battle. But will they be able to win over the powerful witch and wizard of The Kingdom of Gloom?

Once upon a time, there lived a small girl named Esmeralda. One day, as she was playing alone in the backyard of her big house, she saw something very strange. A very beautiful fairy with sparkling emerald eyes, peacock blue dress and turquoise long hair that reached her ankles.

“Who are you?” Esmeralda asked a bit frightened.

“I am the messenger of the queen of fairies.”

“What are you doing here?” Esmeralda asked, not so frightened anymore.

“I am looking for strong children or young adults who can help us find the evil witch and wizard of Kingdom of Gloom. They are our enemy, and enormously powerful. By the way, you look ideal for us. Shall I take you to our queen?” asked the fairy smiling.

“Of course, I’d be delighted!” said Esmeralda, in a feeling which was a mixture of adventure and excitement.

“Then come here”, said the fairy. She took Esmeralda’s hand and muttered a spell while waving her magic wand. Then she asked Esmeralda to follow her. Esmeralda did. They walked for about 1,00,000 miles but because of the spell and magic wand, none of them got tired.

And, in a matter of seconds, they reached the place. Then the fairy approached the huge door of the queen’s castle. “This castle is known as the magnificent castle”, said the fairy. And indeed it was. It looked enchanted with the huge door and gold towers on the four sides, bejeweled with precious stones. Diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, all were present.

“Here”, said the fairy messenger, leading Esmeralda to the door. The fairy knocked on the door.

“Password!” said a voice.

The fairy passed a scroll through the small opening on the door.

“Enter!” said the voice, opening the huge door.

The fairy and Esmeralda were greeted by another fairy. “Please go to the Throne Room. The queen awaits you”, she said.

Soon, they entered the throne room. The queen was seated on the throne.

“At last, you’ve come!” she cried in delight. “I have been waiting for you two. Galley, and, what is your name?” the queen asked smiling.

“Esmeralda”, Esmeralda replied.

“Oh, thank you”, said the queen. “And my name is Elegance. Would you please come to my private chamber?” she asked.

“Of course”, replied Esmeralda.

“Servants, quickly make a beautiful room for our guest”, the queen ordered. Then she led Esmeralda to her private chambers.

“Esmeralda, meet another girl who’ll help you in completing your mission. Her name is Zoe. And, one more girl will help you. Her name is Chloe”, said the queen.

After they had shook hands and new each other well, the queen Elegance and the three friends settled down on chairs and tables to have some snacks. “Maids! Bring some lemonade and star shaped special gingerbread and the cupcakes made from the magical fruit of our kingdom”, ordered the queen.

Soon, they were listening the tale the queen told them. “…so Galley might have told you that we are constantly being attacked by the witch and the wizard of the Kingdom of Gloom”, finished the queen.

“You are correct, Your Majesty”, said Zoe.

“Well, for now you can go to your chambers and rest and meanwhile we’ll provide everything you’ll need for the mission. It’s quite late now. You should go to bed”, said the queen.

“Thank you for your gracious hospitality, Your Majesty”, said Chloe.

“And I guess there’ll be a BIG surprise tomorrow”, chuckled Esmeralda.

“You’re right!” said the queen laughing. “See you tomorrow! And don’t forget, you three, you have to come here at 7:30 am sharp”, said the queen.

“We won’t forget”, the threesome promised.

The night passed quickly. Soon it was morning. Zoe, Chloe and Esmeralda woke up. There were separate chambers for them, and were soon dressed. As promised, they were in the queen’s chamber at 7:30 am sharp.

The queen was waiting. “So you all have come. Good”, she said.

“Now, I’m going to present the most gorgeous gifts I’ve ever presented to humans”, with that, she exclaimed:-

“I’m going to give you three unicorns,
All shining and bright!
Along with three bodyguards
Unequaled in might
You’ll be turned into fairies
And will get magical milk
From special dairies
You’ll be able to do every magic
And you’ll be able to destroy every tragic
A suite of armors
And weapons to you will be given
And every mistake of yours
Shall be forgiven
So go! Fight the bad and evil!
But, remember; They have power, like the devil!” finished the queen.

Hardly the queen had muttered the words when Esmeralda, Chloe and Zoe began to transform. They sprouted wings out of their backs, a silver chain on their wrists with magic wands hanging. A body guard appeared in front of them. Then three unicorns, energy giving magical milk, a spell book attached with the body guards’ hand, and a suite of armor with two weapons; swords, bows and arrows.

“Thank you, Your Majesty! With this much of gifts, we are very sure that we will defeat the evil witch and wizard”, the threesome chorused together.

Soon, they set off with their magical unicorns. Escorted by the army, they flew to the battlefield. The enemy was already prepared for the battle.

“Witch, wizard! Come out of your palace, and fight, if you dare!” shouted Zoe, with a valiant war cry.

“Ugh! Who was that?” screamed the witch. Annoyed, she opened the door of her palace.

“Urgh! Tsk tsk tsk…So, puny little people have come to fight us! Don’t worry, our army is prepared! Wizard! Just come and get our army to fight!” the witch called, in her high-pitched, wailing-sorta kooky voice.

“Coming”, the wizard answered.

Soon, he approached the witch.

“So, should we fight together?” asked the witch with an evil smile.

“Of course!” the wizard replied.

Soon, a fierce battle began. The queen was right. The witch and wizard were very powerful. Soon, a disaster struck. The witch hit Chloe with her magic wand. Chloe fainted.

“Chloe!” cried Zoe and Esmeralda.

“FOOL! HOW DARE YOU?!” shouted Esmeralda in immense anger. She hit the witch with her bow and arrow.

“Aaaargh!” screamed the witch, and, in a matter of seconds, she lay dead.

Suddenly, Chloe’s unicorn touched her horn on Chloe’s wound. She immediately recovered.

Now, the wizard was furious. He pulled out his spell book and muttered a spell. A suffocating smell arose around the queen’s army, the three friends and everything. “HA HA HA! Now I win!!!” he shouted, wildly dancing around the battlefield.

“Not yet!” cried a voice. The wizard turned around, and to his dismay, he found the queen riding on her magical flying horse. The queen took out her spell book and muttered the most powerful spell in the kingdom. The wizard fainted.

Then the queen muttered another spell. Esmeralda, Zoe and Chloe, and the rest of the army, soon recovered. Esmeralda saw the wizard in a swoon. And before he became conscious, she took her chance and cut of his neck with her sword. The queen smiled.

The queen’s army was surprised to see the queen in the battlefield.

“So you saved our lives, Your Majesty?!” cried Zoe.

“Yes, you’re right”, said the queen.

“We are happy that no one is hurt”, said Esmeralda, looking very happy.

“Your Majesty, you’re the one who won the,battle. The wizard would have won if you hadn’t come”, said Chloe.

“I kept tracking you. I saw that you were in trouble. So I came to help you. And as for Chloe, I knew her unicorn would save her”, said the queen smiling.

“Now, let us return to the palace”, said Esmeralda.

“Yes!” said the queen mounting her horse.

In the palace, the queen said “Would you like to stay here, friends?”

“We would love to, but our parents could get worried if we are away for a long time”, said Zoe.

“They won’t, as time never passes here. And I grant you three a boon. When you’ll be young adults, you won’t get old and die”, said the queen.

“Thank you, Your Majesty”, said Esmeralda, Zoe and Chloe. “We will stay here forever!”

“And in return, can you fight with our enemies when we are in trouble?” asked the queen.

“Of course!” replied Chloe, beaming.

So, they all enjoyed their lives, and stayed in the Magnificent Castle forever. And, so far as I know, they are still there, fighting when the Kingdom is in trouble.